9 Chakras Of Body9 Dis-chargeable DoorsBody is a flowerpot created in mind. By positive attention with MIND, SPEECH and BODY, we are the royal guests of the NATURE... |
ShivAghoriShakti DS Bhandari
According to Universal Science Touching Therapy, there are:
Body connected with Five resourceable Internal Elements of the Whole Universe (without wise-ness and without language) MIND Body is a flowerpot created in mind. By positive ATTENTION (Frequency) with MIND, SPEECH and BODY, we are the royal guests of the NATURE. There are five laws of the nature and they are:
Rest all other activities are carried through MIND. If our thoughts are POSITIVE, NATURE will automatically help us. Body without egoism creates Divine & Spiritual Thoughts without any selfishness. Secrets of the Universe : 0 - 9 (0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9) with 10 Dishas (DIRECTIONS) All subjects with counts 0-9 WILL EXIST ONLY FOR A CERTAIN PERIOD We use code words for clients for HEALING ENERGY through 0-9 |